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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Listening=, for_children: n"
Between the Dreaming and the Coming True A spiritual autobiography about the manifold ways the Holy One is spelling out meaning in our lives.
A Tree Full of Angels A spiritual classic on the art of reading the world for signs of the presence of God.
Turning to One Another Salutes the humanizing elements of dialogues as a key to bringing about change in the post-modern world.
Hearing with the Heart Examines spiritual practices that can be used in this process.
A Candle at Midnight Uses personal stories, Biblical accounts, and actual rituals to explain the spiritual practice of vigil-keeping.
My Soul in Silence Waits Eight soulful meditations on presence, waiting on God, and living prayerfully and patiently.
Music Anthology of innovative pieces on the transformative power of sound, tone, and music.
Benedict's Way A self-guided retreat that salutes Benedictine values and spiritual practices.
At Home with Dying Combines current techniques of hospice care with Eastern wisdom teachings.
Lectio Divina Useful information on the time-honored Christian practice of listening to God by an intentional and measured reading of the Bible.